Soil Health Labs

11 Resilience (Weeds, Covers and Termination)

Episode Summary

This podcast is the third in the series 6 “Resilience” podcast series we recorded in Mitchell, SD (podcasts 1-5) and Crooks (Podcast 6), the backdrop was the extremely wet weather on 2019; at the time of recording the James River had frozen outside of it’s banks and there was every expectation of another wet summer. In this podcast, farmers Charlie Edinger, Daniel Harnisch, Craig Stehly and Bryce Rabenhorst discuss the nuts and bolts of cover crops including timing, seed mix selection, planting depth and seed size, and trafficability related to the use of covers. Charlie, Daniel, Craig and Bryce are joined by Kent Vlieger (facilitator) Brent Woods and Eric Barsness from the NRCS in South Dakota. If you’d like to our selected video material from these conversations, please visit SD NRCS’s 'Growing Resilience with Soil Health' playlist on YouTube. This podcast was made possible by sponsorship from the USDA-NRCS in South Dakota. The views and opinions of the farmer participants expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender.